While you can always just email support@nimbix.net with your question, the best method for contacting support is to use our Help Center at https://support.nimbix.net/. Using our Help Center will allow you to open new tickets, view your existing tickets, and even view and collaborate on tickets your team members within your organization have opened.
Opening a support ticket
1. You'll need to create a username for our Help Center. This will be a different login than what you use for https://cloud.nimbix.net/.
2. Go to https://support.nimbix.net/ and click "Sign in" at the top right corner and create an account.
3. Once you've logged into the Help Center, you can submit a ticket by clicking the "Submit a request" link on the left-hand side.
4. At this point, you'll be asked to fill in a few fields as you can see in the image below. The form is dynamic and will be conditional based on your responses. Using this method to open tickets will significantly enhance our ability to assist you since we'll be able to better understand and triage the issue right when it comes in. Our forms allow us to capture relevant information ahead of time and limit the amount of potential back and forth between you and our support.
5. After you've filled out the form, click the blue "Submit" button to create your support ticket.
Keep in mind that when you open a ticket through the Help Center, you can still respond via email. You won't have to log into the Help Center each time in order to respond.
Viewing open support tickets
1. To view your open requests, click on your name on the upper-right, and a drop down will appear. From here click on "My activities".
2. On the "My activities" page, you'll see all of your past and present support requests.
View team members tickets
1. You can click on "Organization requests", and view other team member's tickets.
2. Selecting this will show you the tickets that have been opened by your team members. You can view/click any of these tickets.
Following tickets
You can also "Follow" tickets if you're not in CC, but want email notifications when that particular support ticket is updated. To become a "Follower" of other tickets, simply click the "Follow" button.
Searching help Center articles
If all that isn't enough, we of course have lots of support articles to help you get up and running in the Nimbix Cloud.
1. You can search our Help Center for relevant articles of interest by click and typing in the search box.
2. As you start to type a question or keyword, our Help Center will begin to recommend articles of potential interest.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, just send open a ticket and we'll be happy to help!