How to SSH to your Nimbix Job

There are instances in which you'll want to SSH to your Nimbix job. Luckily, this is a pretty easy process to do, so let's walk through the steps below.

You'll obviously need a job running first, so once you've started a job on, head over to your Dashboard to see your currently running jobs.


In this example, we'll connect over SSH to the ANSYS Electronics job above.

To get the SSH information, click on the "i" next to the red power button on the job you want to connect to.

This will open a small window giving you instructions on how to connect to your job. First is the VNC information, but if you scroll all the way to the bottom you will see the SSH connection information shown below:


With the address and password above, you'll be able to connect to the job. Open an app like terminal or PuTTy, copy and paste the address prefaced with "ssh" and hit enter. Then just copy and paste your password as shown below and you're now connected to your job.


If you have any questions about this process, just email and we'll be happy to help.

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