On the Nimbix Cloud we have the option to use VNC if you want a better graphical performance when using interactive mode. First, please check with your IT team and ensure they're allowing TCP port 5900 and 5901 in order to use VNC.
Below are the steps to get a VNC session up and running.
Once you start a job, click on the "i" in your Dashboard.
This will open up a window with a few different ways to connect to your session. You'll need to use the credentials highlighted below to connect through VNC. If you don't have the RealVNC client, you can download it from this page as well.
Now, open up RealVNC and just copy those credentials over into the client. First enter the VNC Server address, then enter the password as seen below:
Once you click "OK" you'll be VNC'd into your session.
One thing to keep in mind when using VNC, is to please ensure you have at least 5mbit of bandwidth available, and no greater than 80ms of latency. If you're unsure how to determine this, please check out, https://nimbix.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035045471-Common-Tools-You-Can-Use-To-Diagnose-Network-Issues.
If you run into any issues following this guide, please reach out to support@nimbix.net and we'll be happy to guid you through the process.