In this article we will show you how to get started using SmartCFD in the Nimbix Cloud. You can run SmartCFD with graphical user interface directly in your browser. Before starting, please visit the JARVICE Quick Start Guide for browser requirements. You can find out more about SmartCFD software in the SmartCFD Overview.
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Transfer files to and from JARVICE
Transferring Data
You can transfer your data to Nimbix secure data store by referring to the Transfer files to and from JARVICE. Once you transferred your data, Nimbix applications (e.g. SmartCFD) will primarily access them.
Running SmartCFD
You can either run SmartCFD directly in your browser or by connecting with a Real VNC client. However, you should first submit an application to run SmartCFD.
To get started, log in to your account and click the Compute tab, then find and select Aavid SmartCFD as shown in Fig. 1. In the Task Builder page, you can set up your Number of Cores and Machine configurations as well as Job Label, Windows size and Runtime limit. Once you are done, click Submit button as shown in Fig. 2.
Once you Submit it, a Job submission status will be shown and then you will be directed to your Dashboard.
Fig. 1. Submitting an application to run SmartCFD.
Fig. 2. Confirming an application submission to run SmartCFD.
In Dashboard, you can see the status of your job whether it is Submitted, Processing, Completed or Completed with Error. Click on your Processing job name to see its details. Now you can either run SmartCFD in your browser or by connecting with a Real VNC client.
A. Running SmartCFD in your browser
Click on the SmartCFD preview space to open a new tab with an interactive desktop session as shown in Fig. 3. It should be noted that, it can take several seconds before the SmartCFD preview loads.
For a better and faster 3D performance, we recommend to run SmartCFD in Real VNC client as described in the following section.
Fig. 3. Running SmartCFD in your browser.
B. Running SmartCFD in VNC Client
If you would like a better and faster 3D experience, you may wish to download the Real VNC client. For connection information, expand your job details and press the (i) button. This will launch a pop up with VNC-server and a Password as shown in Fig. 4.
Open the VNC client and enter VNC-server name and click Connect button. You will be asked to enter the password and then a new VNC window will be opened and SmartCFD software will be started.
Fig. 4. Running SmartCFD using VNC viewer.
Shutting Down Jobs
When your simulation is completed and you saved all data to your /data or My Data folder on the Nimbix Cloud, you can terminate your job either by exiting SmartCFD from within the environment or from the Dashboard using the red Shutdown button. However, this may lead to corruption of your project or data loss. Your job will not terminate if you close the browser or disconnect from your VNC client. You can reconnect and continue your simulation work at a later time. Be sure when your simulation is completed that you save all data before terminating. Finally, be sure not to leave jobs running unnecessarily as this will bill costs to your account.
Retrieving Results
Once your simulation has completed, you may wish to transfer your results from /data to your local machine using the same way they have been uploaded. Please refer to the Transfer files to and from JARVICE for more information.
If you have any questions please contact sales at or for technical assistance, email Our team will assist with standard and customize workflows to better serve your simulation needs.